Professional EMDR Consultation Services for Therapists

Enhance Your EMDR Practice with Personalized Guidance and Support

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You care deeply about doing a good job and ensuring you don’t harm your clients. You want to feel assured that what you are doing is safe and effective, and confident in handling challenging  situations or roadblocks. 

I understand that! Feeling confident about your skills and clear about your next steps is essential.

A consultation from someone experienced with EMDR can help you gain that confidence.

EMDR Consultation provides therapists with the opportunity to:

  • Refine EMDR skills
  • Receive constructive feedback
  • Ensure adherence to EMDR protocols for optimal outcomes

As a certified EMDR Therapist and Approved Consultant with over 10 years of experience, I have helped numerous therapists enhance their practice, complete basic training, and achieve certification. I am a Clinical and Consultant Member of the EMDR International Institute (EMDRIA) and a Consultant and Faculty Member of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness (an EMDR training institute). I have extensive training in advanced EMDR techniques, including parts work, somatic interventions, and working with clients presenting with higher levels of dissociation.

EMDR Consultation helps you gain confidence.

Samuel Scrimshaw Rjc1rioyerq UnsplashYou’ve learned the basics of EMDR, but many clinicians still have questions and seek further training. I can help you:

  • Deepen your understanding of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model
  • Successfully integrate EMDR psychotherapy with your existing skills
  • Explore and incorporate new modalities like parts work and somatic-based approaches
  • Develop efficient and effective conceptualization skills for successful treatment plans
  • Evaluate your client’s readiness for reprocessing work
  • Enhance your toolkit for phase 2 resourcing for clients with chronic pain, dissociation, or complex trauma
  • Identify and utilize alternative protocols to accelerate results or overcome stuck points

Elevate Your Practice and Advance Your EMDR Skills

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Instead of second-guessing your decisions or feeling uncertain about your next steps, take a proactive approach to your professional development. 

Make a significant impact on your career today by collaborating with an experienced consultant.

Whether you are just starting with EMDR, have been practicing for a while, are seeking certification, or need ongoing consultation, I am here to support you. I offer individual and group consultations available online.

Together, we can enhance your EMDR practice and achieve better outcomes for your clients.

Feel free to contact me for more information or sign up today!