Welcome to Online Therapy with Lindsay!

2177734001What’s the deal with online therapy?

Hey there! So, online therapy is your mental health superhero – it swoops in to save the day by making therapy more accessible and convenient.

Imagine getting the support you need from the comfort of your own space!

No need to worry about traffic jams or finding parking; it’s therapy on your terms, wherever you are.

Oh, and just a heads up, you must be within California for me to legally provide therapy. So, as long as you’re soaking up that California sunshine, we’re good to go!

What are the perks of online therapy?

Oh, where do I start? First off, convenience is king! With online therapy, you can kiss those long commutes goodbye and say hello to more time for yourself.

Plus, privacy is critical – imagine having your therapy session in your pajamas, with your cat as your silent confidant. It’s like having your therapist right in your living room.

2169618221Can online therapy be as effective as in-person sessions?

Absolutely! Here’s the deal: I specialize in various therapeutic approaches, like somatic and EMDR therapy. And guess what? These methods work their magic over the screen just as well as face-to-face.

So, rest assured, you’re getting the same top-notch care, just with a sprinkle of virtual goodness.

How can I make the most of my online therapy sessions?

Ah, great question! Picture this: cozy up in your favorite spot, maybe with a cup of tea, and dive into our session with an open mind and heart.

Pro tip: pop in some headphones for extra privacy and crystal-clear sound. And don’t forget to let your roommates know that it’s therapy time – no interruptions allowed!

What if I need to do therapy in my car?

Hey, no judgment here! Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and finding a quiet space can be tricky.

If your car is your sanctuary, I’ve got you covered. Just park somewhere peaceful, adjust your seat for maximum comfort, and let the therapy magic happen.

Safety comes first, so we only conduct sessions when you’re parked safely.

2417285759Is my privacy guaranteed during online therapy?

You betcha! Your privacy is my top priority. That’s why I’ve partnered with Google Meet, a secure and reliable video conferencing platform. With end-to-end encryption and top-notch security measures, this platform locks up your sessions tighter than a bank vault.

What if I run into technical issues during our sessions?

No sweat! I’ve got your back. If you ever find yourself battling tech gremlins, give me a shout. I’ll provide all the tech support you need to get back on track.

Start your Online Therapy journey today!

Ready to experience the benefits of online therapy for yourself?

Take the first step and schedule your free 15-minute consultation call with me today!

I am here to support you on your journey toward healing and transformation, no matter where you are.