How I Work

Ego State Therapy


Somatic Therapy


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing


Life’s difficulties often dim the innate light within us, covering our true nature with layers of sediment.
We are born good enough, yet the belief that we are not can obstruct our path,
trapping us in a cycle of negativity. Overcoming this negativity is the
core foundational belief of all the therapies I utilize when working with clients.

Please find more information below if you’d like to learn more about how I work using…
Ego State Therapy – Internal Family Systems (IFS) “Parts Work”
Somatic Therapy – Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

Ego State Therapy – Internal Family Systems (IFS) “Parts Work”

I offer parts work through a relational and systemic lens, drawing from various modalities. One of the most well-known approaches I use is called Internal Family Systems. IFS therapy believes that our distress arises from various internal parts within us, each playing a unique role. Some parts aid in daily functioning, others distract from emotional pain, while some seek our attention to facilitate healing. Understanding and exploring these parts is central to the IFS approach.

Alongside these parts, IFS acknowledges a core healing force within us, the Self. Whether called the authentic self, true essence, spirit, or core self, this essence remains ever-present, though it may become obscured or challenging to access.

Healing with IFS

The essence of IFS is facilitating lasting change rather than providing temporary relief. By addressing the root causes of distress, we aim for genuine and enduring healing.

If you grapple with conflicting inner voices or incessant chatter, these experiences are not unusual. Each voice, even those deemed unfavorable, holds significance, and our goal is to understand them without judgment.

The overarching objective of IFS is to cultivate a Self-led life where the Self serves as a compassionate and decisive guide. While input from parts is valued, they no longer dictate control. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to alleviate the burdens carried by these parts, fostering internal harmony and a profound connection with your essential Self.

Fortunately, progress does not need to wait until the journey ends. Growth occurs incrementally, and nobody is consistently Self-led. Humans navigate this fluid process, nurturing our parts toward greater integration and wholeness.

Get Curious

Can you remember when the voices inside you were quiet, and you felt a sense of “flow”?

Is there an area of your life in which you wish your parts would allow you to lead?

A Glimpse Inside an IFS Session

Often, we will gently turn our focus inward, tapping into the internal landscape of our mind and heart. Using visualization techniques and guided imagery, we connect with your inner parts – the various aspects of your personality, each with its thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

As we explore your inner world, we will encounter different parts of you, each with its own story. Some parts may be protective, shielding you from pain or vulnerability. Others may be wounded, carrying the burden of past traumas or unresolved emotions. And still, others may embody strengths, wisdom, and resilience yet to be fully realized.

With compassion and curiosity, we engage with each part, listening deeply to its needs and concerns. Through gentle inquiry and reflective dialogue, we begin to untangle the intricate web of your inner world, uncovering hidden truths and insights along the way.

As the session unfolds, you may experience insight, clarity, or emotional release moments. You may connect with aspects of yourself long neglected or overlooked, rediscovering your inherent worth and wholeness.

Throughout our time together, I serve as a supportive guide, offering empathy, validation, and guidance as you traverse your inner landscape. Together, we create a safe and nurturing space where healing can occur organically at a pace that feels comfortable for you.

By the end of our session, you may feel lighter, more centered, and more connected to your true Self. You may leave with a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and empowerment, ready to take on the next phase of your healing journey.

This glimpse into IFS therapy sessions is just the beginning of what’s possible. If you’re ready to explore IFS therapy, I invite you to reach out and schedule a consultation call with me today.

Somatic Therapy – Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP)

IBP fosters a profound integration of mind, body, and spirit, enabling individuals to holistically access and process their emotions, memories, and relational patterns in an embodied manner. By engaging in body-oriented techniques such as breathwork, mindful movement, and self-release techniques, individuals can release tension, regulate their nervous system, and access deeper layers of self-awareness and insight. It is a holistic approach to therapy, addressing the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.

Acknowledging that psychological issues often manifest in the body as physical symptoms or patterns of tension, and vice versa, IBP integrates body-oriented techniques with traditional psychotherapeutic methods to facilitate healing on multiple levels.

Body Wisdom – IBP recognizes the body’s wisdom as a valuable resource for self-awareness, healing, and transformation. Our bodies hold helpful information about our past experiences, emotions, and relational patterns, which can be accessed and explored through somatic awareness and mindfulness practices.

Embodied Presence – Central to IBP is the concept of embodied presence, which involves cultivating a deep connection with our physical sensations, movements, and bodily experiences in the present moment. Individuals can develop self-awareness, resilience, and authenticity by cultivating embodied presence.

Trauma-Informed Approach – IBP is informed by trauma theory and research, recognizing the impact of past traumas on our nervous system, emotional regulation, and relational patterns. IBP utilizes trauma-informed techniques to support individuals in safely processing and integrating past traumatic experiences held in the body.

Ultimately, IBP aims to support individuals in living more fully embodied lives aligned with their deepest values, desires, and aspirations. IBP offers a powerful healing, growth, and transformation pathway by integrating body-oriented techniques with traditional psychotherapeutic approaches.

A Glimpse into Integrative Body Psychotherapy Sessions

As we begin our session, I will invite you to take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment and connecting with your body’s sensations.

As we explore your inner world, we will encounter different parts of you, each with its own story. We create a safe and supportive environment where you can freely express yourself, knowing that you are deeply seen and heard without judgment.

Drawing upon the principles of IBP, we will pay close attention to the wisdom of your body, recognizing that our physical sensations and movements hold valuable insights into our emotional and psychological well-being. Through gentle inquiry and guided awareness, we invite you to notice any sensations or tensions in your body, allowing them to guide our therapeutic exploration.

We facilitate a deeper connection with your body’s innate wisdom by using body-oriented techniques such as breathwork, mindful movement, and release techniques. Together, we will explore how past experiences and traumas may be stored in your body, manifesting as physical symptoms or patterns of tension. We will also explore how current events in your life may resemble or trigger past unresolved emotional wounds.

As we delve deeper into this somatic exploration, you may experience release, insight, or transformation moments. You may connect with aspects of yourself long forgotten or suppressed, reclaiming your sense of wholeness and vitality.

By the end of our session, you may feel more grounded, centered, and aligned with your authentic self. You may leave with a deeper understanding of your body’s wisdom and a renewed sense of empowerment to explore life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

This brief overview of IBP therapy sessions only scratches the surface of what you can achieve. If you’re interested in delving deeper into Somatic therapy, I encourage you to get in touch and book a consultation call with me!

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR therapy is a specialized type of therapy designed to help individuals who have experienced distressing or traumatic events. It’s particularly effective for those struggling with the emotional aftermath of these experiences.

During EMDR therapy, we utilize specific techniques to assist your brain in processing and integrating these problematic memories more adaptively. We will use bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, audio tones, or tapping, while focusing on the distressing memory.

By engaging in these techniques, we can create a dual focus that allows your brain to reprocess the traumatic memory in a safe and controlled environment. Over time, this can reduce the emotional intensity associated with the memory and shift how you perceive and respond to it.

Throughout the process, we also work on identifying and strengthening positive beliefs and coping strategies to replace any negative beliefs or unhelpful patterns that may have developed due to the trauma.

Overall, EMDR therapy offers a structured and evidence-based approach to healing from past traumas and finding relief from ongoing emotional distress. It’s a collaborative and empowering process that can help you move forward with greater resilience and well-being.

A Glimpse into EMDR Therapy Sessions

Learning and Preparation: First, I’ll provide information about EMDR therapy, including how it works and what to expect during sessions. We’ll discuss the different treatment phases and how each contributes to healing. I’ll also teach you some coping skills and relaxation techniques to help you feel more prepared and grounded during EMDR sessions.

Identifying Targets: We’ll identify specific memories or experiences you’d like to work on during EMDR therapy. These may be distressing or traumatic events from your past that continue to affect you in the present. We’ll also explore any negative beliefs or emotions you’ve developed from these experiences.

Bilateral Stimulation: During EMDR therapy sessions, we’ll use bilateral stimulation techniques to help your brain adapt and integrate these problematic memories more. The process might involve eye movements, listening to auditory tones, or using your hands to tap yourself.

Dual Focus: While engaging in bilateral stimulation, we’ll focus on the distressing memory or experience we’ve identified. At the same time, I’ll help you stay grounded and present, ensuring that you feel safe and supported throughout the process. This dual focus allows your brain to reprocess the traumatic memory in a controlled and therapeutic environment.

Integration and Closure: As we continue with EMDR therapy sessions, you may start to notice shifts in how you think and feel about the memories. You may experience a reduced emotional intensity associated with these memories and a greater sense of resolution and closure. We’ll work together to integrate these changes into your daily life and develop strategies for ongoing self-care and support.

Progress and Reflection: Throughout EMDR therapy, we’ll regularly check your progress and reflect on your experiences. You’ll have the opportunity to share any insights, shifts, or challenges that arise during sessions, and we’ll adjust our approach as needed to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your therapy experience.

Completion and Aftercare: When you feel ready, we’ll gradually transition toward completing EMDR therapy. We’ll review your progress and discuss strategies for maintaining your gains. While the formal therapy sessions may end, I’ll always be here to support you on your healing journey and provide guidance as needed.

This glimpse into EMDR therapy sessions is just the beginning of what’s possible. If you’re ready to explore EMDR therapy, I invite you to schedule a consultation call with me today.